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Casinos for sale in Europe

Due to confidential nature of the casino industry and for the security of that casino property , photographs of live casinos and casino hotels can not be shown on the internet. 

Please be advised that we are unable to reveal full details of the properties before receipt of signed confidentiality and non - disclosure .



close to German borders

A new hotel and casino project with no other casino for 60 miles, with full Government permitts to build a new complex with casino licence. approx investment 30 m EUR


price reduction due to ill health to 90,000,000 EUROS

Casino sportsbetting online gaming  company.Major Internet player with 4 licences established over 25 years in the casino industry,large repeat traffic base using their 29 online casinos and sportsbetting and poker rooms with 5 committed managers overlooking 170 employees worldwide, income has grown over the past 11 years to an incredible $ 2 billion revenue last year

full information with signed CA / NDA 


this property is on hold no more enquiries at the moment

this multiple award winning luxury 5 star hotel with an approx 400  sea view rooms  and elegant suites, overlooking the 75 berth yacht Marina,

With one of the largest Conference centre in Europe with total seating capacity of 1,500 persons.

An exciting nightclub, discodancing and cabaret

One fine dining Restaurant, Cafes, Italian Pizzeria

Large Gymnasium with the latest equipment and Luxury Beauty Spa, Indoor and Outdoor swimming pool.

Plus a very popular 24/7 intimate Coffee Bar

A Grand Casino, with a Prive Salon,one of the largest Casinos in Croatia with a 60 of the latest slot machines,17 gaming tables,American Roulette, Blackjack, etc...

Now with a new poker area with 5 poker tables for cash games and poker tournaments.Please note tha casino is now closed but can be reopened with the new owner in a very short time.

This multi casino license permits the opening more casinos in Croatia.

This international flagged hotel resort complex is being sold as fully operational and Managed business with an asking price of 67 m EURos, downpayment of 55 m EURos and the balance of 12 m EURos payable over 2 years, the owner may consider a Joint Venture.

The hotel property had its best 3rd quarter for 3 years.



this 300 room 4 star hotel and casino is right in the center of the most popular tourist area,  50 room extension or condos has been completed, The casino business over 10 months with 11 gaming tables, 6 roulettes, 3 Blackjacks, and 2 casino poker, plus 60 slot machines and one automatic 8 seatter roulette, just opened a restaurant gaming terrace with 3 gaming tables.The casino could be improved with Junket players

Now priced  to sell with 5,000,000 euros down payment the casino will be reopened.

The balance of 21,000,000  euros is by way of bank mortgage, which the new owner will take over , great potential opportunity.


The owner with a no limit casino permit of eleven (11) slot arcades around Croatia with a total of 350 first class slot machines in mint condition, operating very good profits, is looking to retire and is asking a price for a quick sale of  7 m Euros, full details available.


CAsino within a 5 star hotel resort, with 85 slots and 6 gaming tables, 5 Texas Holdem tables.

PRICE 4,900,000 Euros


Northern Cyprus - 1 Luxury casino within 48 roomed hotel.

This hotel / casino beach propertyhas been operated with profits by an English family for past 11 years, who wish to return to England.Owner is looking for 2,000,000 Euros for keys with ten years lease at 100,000 Euros a month, and has had a recent  refurbishment, or make an offer for outright sale. The land is freehold with lots of space for extension.


Northern Cyprus - 42 room freehold hotel and casino.

Gaming floor has 280 slot machines, 23 gaming tables.This is one of the largest casinos in the Northern Cyprus operated by English owners for sale including 10 betting stations in the town.

PRICE 28 M Pounds Sterling


Cyprus with new laws coming into force to allow casinos in Southern part of  Cyprus

This makes this a great business opportunity, possible JV. The casino license has been verbally granted on conditions the applicant has at least 3 years casino operational experience, and the hotel property, which is now a 3 star  must be converted  with a grand refurbishment to a 5 star standard hotel and the casino will be allowed to be installed within the hotel property.The hotel owner is looking for partners or investors to complete the upgrade and partners to take over both managements of hotel plus or  casino only. The new hotel and casino resort will have a total grand area of 20,000 square metres., total investment cost to upgrade this closed hotel property is approx. 30-40 m Euros, but the owner is willing to put up the land to start building as 50% Joint Venture partnership in the profits or will sell out complete property as is for 

30 mil Euros


Great opportunity to buy your own operating casino on low entrance money.

Very smart stand alone casino on the German border with 5 gaming tables, roulette, Blackjack, poker(this part of the casino has been closed due to the  illness of casino manager and the reason for the sale of the casino).

But the casino multibet roulette 10 seater is opened downstairs with over 25 slot machines,with smart bar and snack with cocktail bar, the casino has a full  20 camera security system,all equipment was new a year ago.

property is on lease  2,000 Euros a month

total price to move in an includes everything as is only 499,000 Euros THE POTENTIAL IS INCREDIBLE  AND THIS IS A QUICK SALE PRICE



waiting for new listings


This is a very nice casino with large parking area,the property is being sold freehold, and has live gaming with roulette, Blackjack, slot machines,and 6 poker tournaments tables, plus high cash games.The property is split over 3 floors,good restaurant operating with profits,very good value and potential for live gaming online casino with new law in  2016

PRICE 3,000,000 Euros SOLD


An operating casino for sale, city centre, has been operating many years, all main casino games,A/R, BJ,CSP, plus cash games, Texas Holdem.The property which includes the operating business and all permits, etc is on renewable lease

PRICE 1,550,000 Euros  SOLD


Two casinos for sale, both open 2 years ago, in Shopping mall with large street front entrance and display windows, total of 68 slots,7 gaming tables A/R, BJ.

Gross revenue 1,770,000 Euros, good net profit

Price 2,500,000 or close offer  SOLD


old established operating casino on long  lease .

full details available with proof of funds

PRICE 35,000,000 Pounds Sterling


New opportunity to buy a luxury casino in one of the London´s famous hotels.On 20 year renewable lease from the hotel. The casino has 17 gaming  tables,35 slots,2 VIP rooms,one with horsebetting sportsbook and the other internet betting.

PRICE offers in access of  60,000,000 Pounds Sterling


opportunity to buy a high rollers  casino 

PRICE 120,000,000 GBP

full details available on LOI ( letter of interest ) to attention of Mrs. Marie Kaletová at kaletova.m@seznam.cz


A new and  rare opportunity to purchase one of the most luxurious hotels in the world, with all the facilities you would expect from a 5 star trophy hotel.The price also includes a casino property but not the business of the casino high rollers which is on lease from the hotel.Also several connecting properties and land. The selling price is confirmed at 1,5 Billion GBP.Offers bellow this price will not be entertained.First  the CA/NDA documents must be signed for further information, then letter of interest with for introduction to the owners.



95% German clients,luxury casino for sale or for rent at 9,500 Euros per month on 15 year lease with 3 months rental upfront for the keys.The casino has 7 gaming tables (AR, BJ) and 40 slots.Opened at 2002 but closed by the owner for retirement in 2013.But the casino has been opened now again.The property has parking for over 60 cars.plus 2 luxury apartments above the casino for high rollers or new owners ( management). The property is freehold and it is a bargain.

PRICE 1,9 m Euros SOLD


well established casino, open 10 years with good profits.

95% German clients.smoking is allowed in this casino

The casino property has large gounds with parking for 200 cars and is being sold freehold with 50 bedroom hotel 4 minutes by car from the casino but the hotel is closed and would need complete refurbishment.But it is believed it is an easy and quick property to transform.But no costings have been made for this work.

Great casino floor with total of 24 gaming tables and 90 slot machines.12 poker tables,3 Blackjack tables, 4 American Roulette tables,8 base touch bet roulette machine.

2 restaurants, one is a  VIP, plus 2 Cocktail bars, hotel pick up coach

opening hours 2 PM - 5 AM

PRICE 4,500,000 Euros includes everything or a joint venture could be possible with the casino manager on a 50/50 share basis


profitable  casino company, two operating casinos and 3 slot palaces locally,Wishes to expand their company nationally,and are looking for invesment to do this.They are prepared to sell a 51% share of their company for 4,500,000 Euros 

now off the market


New build hotel and casino project, all plans and permits in hand

good location, 10,000 sq meters,of land with full planning permissions to build a 250 bedroom hotel and casino,with casino permit, the land is ideally located close to the new Government 150m Euro, sportcomplex centre. Also just been granted a permit to build a residential homes if required. The land, permits and all licenses are included in the price of 7 m Euro but total build costs approx 25 m Euros for hotel, casino, no costings for residential as yet



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